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/settings/update: Update Organization Settings

Example usage

The following is a sample ArcGIS Online POST request for the update operation, formatted for readability:

POST /sharing/rest/portals/0123456789ABCDEF/settings/update HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: []

  title": "Anonymous Access Notice Title",
  text": "Anonymous Access Notice Text",
  "buttons": "acceptAndDecline",
  "enabled": true
  "title": "Authenticated Access Notice Title",
  "text": "Authenticated Access Notice Text",
  "buttons": "okOnly",
  "text": "Header Text",
  "bgColor": "grey",
  "fontColor": "blue",
  "enabled": true

The following is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise POST request for the update operation, formatted for readability. At 11.0, this operation includes the portalConfigProperties parameter:

POST /webadaptor/sharing/rest/portals/0123456789ABCDEF/settings/update HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: []

  title": "Anonymous Access Notice Title",
  text": "Anonymous Access Notice Text",
  "buttons": "acceptAndDecline",
  "enabled": true
  "title": "Authenticated Access Notice Title",
  "text": "Authenticated Access Notice Text",
  "buttons": "okOnly",
  "text": "Header Text",
  "bgColor": "grey",
  "fontColor": "blue",
  "enabled": true
  "extentService": "",
  "footerLinks": [],
  "gcsBasemapService": "",
  "httpsDomains": [
  "longTokenExpiration": 20160,
  "restrictOrganizationPageToAdmin": false,
  "searchArcGISOnlineEnabled": true,
  "showCreateDashboard": true,
  "showInAppLauncher": [
    "ArcGIS Dashboards",
    "ArcGIS Enterprise Sites",
    "Track Viewer",
    "Ortho Maker",
    "ArcGIS Workforce",
    "ArcGIS QuickCapture Web Designer",
    "ArcGIS StoryMaps",
    "ArcGIS Experience Builder",
    "ArcGIS Field Maps",
    "ArcGIS Map Viewer",
    "ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic",
    "ArcGIS Solutions",
    "Deep Learning Studio",
    "Instant Apps",
    "Scene Viewer",
    "Vector Tile Style Editor"
  "sceneViewerEnabled": true,
  "surveyUrl": "",
  "tokenExpiration": 120,
  "webAppBuilderEnabled": true,
  "configurePortalAGOEnv": "",
  "portalAGOConfigEnabled": true,
  "portalLivingAtlasConfigEnabled": true,
  "iotViewerUrl": ""


The update operation allows you to enable and customize an access notice and informational banner for your organization, as well as set advanced portal settings for the organization. The access notice, for authenticated and anonymous access, acts as a terms of service that users must agree to before accessing the portal site. The informational banner allows you to alert members of your organization about the site's current status and content, such as a notice that the site is currently in read-only mode or containing content of a specific classification level. For more information, see Configure security settings.

Starting at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0, this operation also customizes advanced portal options, such as configuring a disconnected deployment using the portalConfigProperties parameter. Previously, administrators who needed to customize the portal's behavior made updates to the editable version of the portal's configuration file (config.js). Though administrators no longer need to update the configuration file, it is recommended that a backup of it be made before upgrading to an 11.0 deployment to preserve the portal's previous customization and settings as a reference. After the upgrade, the properties defined in the configuration file must be manually applied to the portalConfigProperties parameter, as the Sharing API does not automatically collect and apply the information in the file. For a list of the properties supported by portalConfigProperties and their default values, see the Advanced portal configuration properties section below.


For Windows and Linux deployments, the editable version of the portal's configuration file is available at <Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>\customizations\<version number>\framework\webapps\arcgis#home\js\arcgisonline\config.js. The original workflow for setting advanced portal settings was only applicable to Windows and Linux deployments. ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes 11.0 supports the portalConfigProperties parameter, as well as establishing disconnected deployments, but earlier versions of ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes do not have a portal configuration file. The portalConfigProperties property is not supported for ArcGIS Online.

Request parameters


A JSON object representing a notice that is shown to your organization's anonymous users. For the required properties for this parameter, see the Access notification properties section below.


anonymousAccessNotice={"title": "Anonymous Access Notice Title","text": "Anonymous Access Notice Text","buttons": "acceptAndDecline","enabled": true}

A JSON object representing a notice that is shown to your organization's authenticated users. For the required properties for this parameter, see the Access notification properties section below.


Currently, only ArcGIS Online supports this parameter.


authenticatedAccessNotice={"title": "Authenticated Access Notice Title","text": "Authenticated Access Notice Text","buttons": "okOnly","enabled": true}

A JSON object representing the informational banner that is shown at the top of your organization's page. For the required properties for this parameter, see the Informational banner properties section below.


informationalBanner={"text": "Header Text","bgColor": "grey","fontColor": "blue","enabled": true}

Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. A JSON object representing advanced configuration options for the portal. The properties can be used to customize the behavior of the portal to match the organization's needs or to configure a disconnected deployment. For information about the configurable properties, see the Advanced portal configuration properties section below.


This parameter is supported for ArcGIS Enterprise on Windows and Linux, as well as ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes. This parameter is not supported in ArcGIS Online.

Example, formatted for readability

  "extentService": "",
  "footerLinks": [],
  "gcsBasemapService": "",
  "httpsDomains": [
  "longTokenExpiration": 20160,
  "restrictOrganizationPageToAdmin": false,
  "searchArcGISOnlineEnabled": true,
  "showCreateDashboard": true,
  "showInAppLauncher": [
    "ArcGIS Dashboards",
    "ArcGIS Enterprise Sites",
    "Track Viewer",
    "Ortho Maker",
    "ArcGIS Workforce",
    "ArcGIS QuickCapture Web Designer",
    "ArcGIS StoryMaps",
    "ArcGIS Experience Builder",
    "ArcGIS Field Maps",
    "ArcGIS Map Viewer",
    "ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic",
    "ArcGIS Solutions",
    "Deep Learning Studio",
    "Instant Apps",
    "Scene Viewer",
    "Vector Tile Style Editor"
  "sceneViewerEnabled": true,
  "surveyUrl": "",
  "tokenExpiration": 120,
  "webAppBuilderEnabled": true,
  "configurePortalAGOEnv": "",
  "portalAGOConfigEnabled": true,
  "portalLivingAtlasConfigEnabled": true,
  "iotViewerUrl": ""

The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Access notification properties

The table below outlines the properties required by the anonymousAccessNotice and authenticatedAccessNotice parameters.


The title of the access notice.


"title": "Anonymous Access Notice Title"

The text displayed in the access notice.


"text": "Authenticated Access Notice Text"

Specifies the button option for the access notice. Users will be prompted to select either Accept or Decline, or only OK.

Values: acceptAndDecilne | okOnly


Specifies whether the access notice is enabled.

Values: true | false

Information banner properties

The table below outlines the properties required by the informationalBanner parameter.


The text displayed in the informational banner.


"text": "Authenticated Access Notice Text"

The background color of the informational banner. This property recognizes common color names (such as red or blue) and hexadecimal color values. While you can choose any color for this property, it is recommended that you choose a color that contrasts appropriately with the fontColor property value, as poor contrast will cause a warning to appear on the Security settings page of your Enterprise portal indicating the insufficient contrast.


"bgColor": "grey"

The font color of the informational banner. This property recognizes common color names (such as red or blue) and hexadecimal color values. While you can choose any color for this property, it is recommended that you choose a color that contrasts appropriately with the bgColor property value, as poor contrast will cause a warning to appear on the Security settings page of your Enterprise portal indicating the insufficient contrast.


"fontColor": "blue"

Specifies whether the informational banner is enabled.

Values: true | false

Advanced portal configuration properties

The following table outlines the configurable properties for the portalConfigProperties parameter and their default values.


Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. The service that will be used to update, or set the extent of, a web map item. The service must be a tiled map service that uses the WGS84 geographic coordinate system with well-known ID (WKID) 4326.


"extentService": ""

Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. The user-specified links displayed on all page footers, such as the Terms of Use, Privacy, Contact Us, and Report Abuse links. By default, this property is an empty array.


"footerLinks": []

Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. The service that will be used as the basemap for OGC WMS services that do not support the Web Mercator coordinate system.


"gcsBasemapService": ""

Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. A list of federated servers that Map Viewer Classic can use to switch services from using HTTP to HTTPS.

Example, formatted for readability

"httpsDomains": [

Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. The expiration time for tokens created when a user selects Keep me signed in when signing in. If Keep me signed in is not selected, the tokenExpiration value overrides the time defined by this property. The default value is 20160 minutes (14 days).


"longTokenExpiration": 20160

Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. Specifies whether the Organization page of the portal is visible to all organization members. If this property is set to true, the Organization page will be hidden from all members expect those assigned the default administrator role. The default value is false, which leaves the page visible to all members.

Values: true | false


Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. Specifies whether the option to search for ArcGIS Online layers from using Map Viewer Classic and, starting at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2, Map Viewer is enabled. When disabled (false), the option to search for ArcGIS Online layers is hidden from the Search for Layers dialog box. The default value is true.

Values: true | false


Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. Specifies whether ArcGIS Dashboards is accessible in the portal. If disabled (false), Dashboards is hidden from the Share dialog box in Map Viewer Classic, as well as the Create Web App option on the item detail page and the Create App option on the My Content tab of the Content page. The default value is true.

Values: true | false


Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. A list of Esri applications that display in the app launcher. Entries must be separated by a comma and match the application title expected by ArcGIS Enterprise.


Updates to the showInAppLauncher property are not maintained during upgrades. Any updates made to the property prior to an upgrade must be made again once the upgrade process is complete.

The example below shows the default list of applications supported at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2. For the list of default applications supported at your deployment's version of ArcGIS Enterprise, reference your Portal Directory API installed help.

"showInAppLauncher": [
  "ArcGIS Dashboards",
  "ArcGIS Enterprise Sites",
  "Track Viewer",
  "Ortho Maker",
  "ArcGIS Workforce",
  "ArcGIS QuickCapture Web Designer",
  "ArcGIS StoryMaps",
  "ArcGIS Experience Builder",
  "ArcGIS Field Maps",
  "ArcGIS Map Viewer",
  "ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic",
  "ArcGIS Solutions",
  "Deep Learning Studio",
  "Instant Apps",
  "Scene Viewer",
  "Vector Tile Style Editor"

Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. Specifies whether Scene Viewer is accessible in the portal. When disabled (false), Scene Viewer options are hidden from all dialog boxes and ribbons in the portal. The default value is true.

Values: true | false


Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. The URL used to access the Survey123 website. This URL can point to an installed Survey123 website, including any port numbers or reverse proxy access points.


"surveyUrl": ""

Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. The expiration time for tokens generated when a user signs in. If, when signing in, a user selects Keep me signed in, the longTokenExpiration property will override the time set for this property. The default value is 120 minutes (2 hours).


"tokenExpiration": 120

Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. Specifies whether ArcGIS Web AppBuilder is accessible to the portal. When disabled (false), Web AppBuilder is hidden from the Share dialog box in Map Viewer Classic, as well as the Create App option on the My Content tab of the portal's Content page. The default value is true.

Values: true | false


Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. The proxy used for configured utility services. For a disconnected environment, set this property to false. The default proxy for non-disconnected environments is shown in the example below.


"configurePortalAGOEnv": ""

Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. Specifies whether the ArcGIS Online tab is displayed on the portal's Organization Settings page. If you're configuring a disconnected environment, set this property to false. Before doing so, you must disable access to ArcGIS Living Atlas content. See Configure ArcGIS Living Atlas content. The default value is true.

Values: true | false


Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. Specifies whether the Configure Living Atlas Content section will be displayed on the ArcGIS Online tab on the portal's Organization Settings page. In a disconnected environment, set this property to false. Before doing so, you must disable access to ArcGIS Living Atlas content. See Configure ArcGIS Living Atlas content. The default value is true.

Values: true | false


Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1. This is the URL to access the ArcGIS Velocity application that can point to an installed ArcGIS Velocity deployment.


"iotViewerUrl": ""

JSON Response example

{"success": true}