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Schematic Service


The Schematic Service resource represents a Schematics service published with ArcGIS Server. The resource provides information about the service itself (name, type) the number of published diagrams and published schematic layers, and the number of published diagram templates.

Here is an overview of the capabilities supported in the Schematics Server REST API:

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example usage

Example 1: the S1_Schematics public sample Schematics service

Example 2: the S2_InternalPlants public sample Schematics service

JSON Response syntax

  "name" : "<ServiceName>",
  "type" : "<ServiceType>",
  "nbEstimatedDiagrams" : <nbEstimatedDiagrams>,
  "nbTemplates" : <nbTemplates>,
  "nbSchematicLayers" : <nbSchematicLayers>

JSON Response example

  "name" : "Schematics Server",
  "type" : "Map Server Extension",
  "nbEstimatedDiagrams" : 15,
  "nbTemplates" : 4,
  "nbSchematicLayers" : 4