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Save Diagram


The saveDiagram operation is performed on a schematic diagram template resource. This operation works from a Schematic Diagram Content Object and returns a Schematic Diagram Information Object. It is used to save the edits on a schematic diagram.


Schematics services published without the Editing operation enabled don't support the saveDiagram operation.

You can provide arguments to the saveDiagram operation as query parameters defined in the parameters table below.

Request Parameters


Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json


Description: The Diagram Content Object on which the schematic algorithm applies.

Syntax: diagram=<See the Schematic Diagram Content Object topic for the JSON Syntax>

Example: diagram=<See the Schematic Diagram Content Object topic for the JSON Example>



Description: The login of the user who saves the diagram.

Syntax: user=<diagramLastSavedBy>

Example: user=NCA3885

Learn about Schematic Diagram Content Object—JSON Syntax

Learn about Schematic Diagram Content Object—JSON Example

JSON Response Syntax

  "name": "<diagramName>",
  "id": "<diagramId>",
  "templateIdentifier": "<templateIdentifier>",
  "templateObjectID": <templateObjectID>,
  "schematicLayerIdentifier": <schematicLayerIdentifier>,
  "folderObjectID": <folderObjectID>,
  "folderIdentifier": "<folderIdentifier>",
  "objectID": <objectID>,
  "createdBy": "<diagramCreator>",
  "lastModificationBy": "<diagramLastEditor>",
  "lastUpdateBy": "<diagramLastUpdator>",
  "creationDate": "<diagramCreationDate>",
  "lastModificationDate": "<diagramModificationDate>",
  "lastUpdateDate": "<diagramLastUpdateDate>",
  "lockedBy": "<diagramLastLocker>",
  "version": "<version>",
  "extent": <envelope>,
  "rootNodes": [
  "endNodes": [

JSON Response Example

  "name": "DiagramFrom_pug_PUG_gas_plants_ID3",
   "id": "0-5",
   "templateIdentifier": "0",
   "templateObjectID": 892,
   "schematicLayerIdentifier": 0,
   "folderObjectID": -2,
   "folderIdentifier": "-2",
   "objectID": 5,
   "createdBy": "NCA3885",
   "lastModificationBy": "NCA3885",
   "lastUpdateBy": "",
   "creationDate": "05/13/11 14:13:57",
   "lastModificationDate": "05/15/11 09:13:57",
   "lastUpdateDate": "",
   "lockedBy": "",
   "version": "sde.DEFAULT",
   "extent": {
     "xmin": -37.342619999999989,
     "ymin": -11.398460000000886,
     "xmax": -37.342179999999097,
     "ymax": -11.398019999999997,
     "spatialReference": {
      "wkid": 4326,
      "latestWkid": 4326