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Replica Info


The replica info resources lists replica metadata for a specific replica.

New at 10.9

The createReplica operation's syncDataOptions parameter has been expanded to add full annotation and on option to include a subset of Utility Network system information when taking data offline. The value of the syncDataOptions parameter determines which options are used when the replica is created. For more information, see syncDataOptions property values.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example usage

URL listing replica info for a specific replica in the "USA" feature service

JSON Response Syntax

  "replicaName": "<Replica name>", 
  "replicaID": "<Replica ID, a GUID>", 
  "replicaOwner": "<Replica creator>", 
  "syncModel": "<perLayer>|perReplica>", 
  "replicaServerGen": <replicaServerGen>, 
  "layerServerGens": "[{"id":<layerId1>, "serverGen":<serverGen1>,
  "serverSibGen":<serverSibGen1>}, {"id":<layerId2>, "serverGen":<serverGen2>,
  "creationDate": <creationDate>, 
  "lastSyncDate": <lastSyncDate>, 
  "returnAttachments": <true |false>,
  "attachmentsSyncDirection": <attachmentsSyncDirection>,
  "spatialRel": "<spatialRel>",
  "targetType": <targetType>,
  "syncDirection": <syncDirection>,
  "geometry": {
    "xmin": <xmin>, 
    "ymin": <ymin>, 
    "xmax": <xmax>,
    "ymax": <ymax> 
    "spatialReference" : {
      "wkid" : <wkid>, 
      "latestWkid" : <latestWkid>
  "layers": [
      "id": <layerId1>, 
      "queryOption":"<none| useFilter| all>", 
      "useGeometry": <true| false>, 
      "includeRelated": <true|false>, 
      "where": "<expression>"
    {"id": <layerId2>, ..   }

JSON Response examples

Example one

  "replicaName": "California", 
  "replicaID": "c4189175-b90f-4622-938b-bed34eacc7f6", 
  "replicaOwner": "John", 
  "layerServerGens" : "[{"id":0,"serverGen":4, "serverSibGen":10}]", 
  "creationDate": 1348522486000, 
  "lastSyncDate": 1348529890000, 
  "syncModel": "perLayer", 
  "returnAttachments" : true,
  "attachmentsSyncDirection": "bidirectional",
  "spatialRel" : "Intersects",
  "targetType": "server",
  "syncDirection": "download",
  "geometry" : {
    "xmin" : -13419265, 
    "ymin" : 3861847, 
    "xmax" : -12927414, 
    "ymax" : 4289543, 
    "spatialReference" : {
      "wkid" : 102100, 
      "latestWkid" : 3857
  "layers": [
      "id": 0, 
      "queryOption": "useFilter", 
      "useGeometry": true, 
      "includeRelated": false, 
      "where": ""

Example two

  "replicaName": "Oregon", 
  "replicaID": "ff704181-da25-4e82-8813-7d36c302a605", 
  "replicaOwner": "Paul", 
  "replicaServerGen" : 65103, 
  "creationDate": 1348522486000, 
  "lastSyncDate": 1348529890000, 
  "syncModel": "perReplica", 
  "returnAttachments" : true,
  "attachmentsSyncDirection": "bidirectional",
  "targetType": "client",
  "syncDirection": "bidirectional",
  "spatialRel" : "Intersects",
  "geometry" : {
    "xmin" : -13781450, 
    "ymin" : 5201387, 
    "xmax" : -13289599, 
    "ymax" : 5629084, 
    "spatialReference" : {
      "wkid" : 102100, 
      "latestWkid" : 3857
  "layers": [
      "id": 0, 
      "queryOption": "useFilter", 
      "useGeometry": true, 
      "includeRelated": false, 
      "where": ""