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Geodata transformation objects


This is supported at ArcGIS 10.1 and later.

The image service's Add operation and Update operation support a geodataTransforms parameter. This parameter is an array of geodataTransform objects. A geodataTransform object has the following JSON syntax:

  "geodataTransform" : "<geodataTransformName>",
  "geodataTransformArguments" : {<geodataTransformArguments>}  

There are three types of geodataTransform objects, and they're listed below. The structure of the geodataTransformArguments object varies based on the geodataTransform name.

Polynomial transformation

The arguments for the Polynomial transformation are as follows:

  "geodataTransform" : "Polynomial",
  "geodataTransformArguments" : {  
  "sourcePoints" : [<sourcePoint1>, <sourcePoint2>, <sourcePoint3> ...], //array of points
  "targetPoints" : [<targetPoint1>, <targetPoint2>, <targetPoint3> ...], //array of points
  "coeffx" : [<coeffx11>, <coeffx12>], //array of doubles
  "coeffy" : [<coeffy11>, <coeffy12>], //array of doubles
  "inverseCoeffx" : [<inverseCoeffx11>, <inverseCoeffx12>], //array of doubles
  "inverseCoeffy" : [<inverseCoeffy11>, <inverseCoeffy12>], //array of doubles
  "spatialReference": {<spatialReference1>},
  "polynomialOrder": <polynomialOrder1> //integer: 1, 2, or 3. First order requires at least 3 pairs of control points; second order requires at least 6 pairs of control points; third order requires at least 10 pairs of control points; use more control points to get better fit (smaller RMS)


  "geodataTransform" : "Polynomial",
  "geodataTransformArguments" : {
  "sourcePoints" : [ {"x":0.0, "y":0.0}, {"x":0.0, "y":200.0}, {"x":200.0, "y":0} ],
  "targetPoints" : [ {"x":100.0, "y":100.0}, {"x":100.0, "y":300.0}, {"x":300.0, "y":100.0} ],
  "polynomialOrder" : 1,
  "spatialReference": {"wkid" : 54004}

Projective transformation

The arguments for the Projective transformation are as follows:

  "geodataTransform" : "Projective",
  "geodataTransformArguments" : {
    "sourcePoints" : [<sourcePoint1>, <sourcePoint2>, <sourcePoint3> ...], //array of points
    "targetPoints" : [<targetPoint1>, <targetPoint2>, <targetPoint3> ...], //array of points
    "coeffx" : [<coeffx11>, <coeffx12>...], //array of doubles
    "coeffy" : [<coeffy11>, <coeffy12>...], //array of doubles
    "inverseCoeffx" : [<inverseCoeffx11>, <inverseCoeffx12>], //array of doubles
    "inverseCoeffy" : [<inverseCoeffy11>, <inverseCoeffy12>], //array of doubles
    "spatialReference": {<spatialReference1>}


  "geodataTransform" : "Projective",
  "geodataTransformArguments" : {
  "sourcePoints" : [ {"x":551.18, "y":817.09}, {"x":653.84, "y":714.43}, {"x":819.49, "y":712.10}, {"x":895.71, "y":789.87} ],
  "targetPoints" : [ {"x":596.29, "y":878.53}, {"x":655.39, "y":815.54}, {"x":733.94, "y":806.21}, {"x":765.05, "y":850.54} ],
  "spatialReference": {"wkid" : 54004}

Identity transformation

The arguments for the Identity transformation are as follows:

  "geodataTransform" : "Identity",
  "geodataTransformArguments" : {
    "spatialReference": {<spatialReference1>}


  "geodataTransform" : "Identity",
  "geodataTransformArguments" : {
  "spatialReference": {"wkid" : 54004}