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Appendix—Work with the utility network using the feature service

When working with the utility network through the REST API, there are various properties available to query and edit.

Access the systemLayers for a utility network

It is important to consider the ability to access system tables that are exposed through the feature service as layers. The layer IDs associated with these layers can be identified either through the utility network layer definition or via the associated portal item. In the JSON layer definition, they are grouped under the collection of system layers. The layer IDs that are associated with each of these layers can be used to access that table through the various feature service operations (for example, query and applyEdits).

Using the layerId of the system layer, the following are a few examples of tasks that can be completed using these layers:

  • Work with associations
    • Use the query operation to inspect associations.
    • Use the applyEdits operation to add, update, and delete associations.
  • Use the query operation to inspect subnetworks.
  • Use the query operation to inspect network rules.

To access the systemLayers for a utility network, complete the following steps:

  1. Use the Esri JSON object output for the feature server that includes the utility network layer.

    You can format the JSON object using pjson in the URL:

    Find the utilityNetworkLayerId in the pjson.

  2. Use the utility network layerId and the Esri JSON object output for the feature server.

    You can format the JSON object using pjson in the URL:

    Find the systemLayers to identify the layerId for the layer of interest. From here you can access the operations for the layer.

  3. Append the specific layerId or tableId to the end of the feature server.

    Here is an example of the query operation using the associationsTableId:

The following is an example of the systemLayers for a Utility Network Version 4 and later(using the "layer name" : layerId syntax):

"systemLayers": {
  "dirtyAreasLayerId": 12,
  "associationsTableId": 500001,
  "subnetworksTableId": 500002,
  "rulesTableId": 500003,
  "diagramEdgeLayerId": 500004,
  "diagramJunctionLayerId": 500005,
  "diagramContainerLayerId": 500006,
  "temporaryDiagramEdgeLayerId": 500007,
  "temporaryDiagramJunctionLayerId": 500008,
  "temporaryDiagramContainerLayerId": 500009

The following is an example of the systemLayers for a Utility Network Version 3 and earlier (using the "layer name" : layerId syntax):

"systemLayers": {
  "dirtyAreasLayerId": 12,
  "lineErrorsLayerId": 10,
  "pointErrorsLayerId": 9,
  “polygonErrorsLayerId”: 11,
  "associationsTableId": 500001,
  "subnetworksTableId": 500002,
  "rulesTableId": 500003,
  "diagramEdgeLayerId": 500004,
  "diagramJunctionLayerId": 500005,
  "diagramContainerLayerId": 500006,
  "temporaryDiagramEdgeLayerId": 500007,
  "temporaryDiagramJunctionLayerId": 500008,
  "temporaryDiagramContainerLayerId": 500009

Work with associations

After identifying the layerId for the associations systemLayer, you can use feature service operations to inspect and edit associations.

It is important to keep the following in mind when working with associations:

  • The percentAlong property is only applicable for junctionEdgeMidspanConnectivity associations.
  • The terminalId property is only applicable for the following association types:
    • JunctionJunctionConnectivity
    • JunctionEdgeFromConnectivity
    • JunctionEdgeMidspanConnectivity
    • JunctionEdgeToConnectivity
  • The terminalId property is only applicable for a junction source of an association.

To add an association, the following fields can be specified in the call to applyEdits:

"ASSOCIATIONTYPE" : <1|2|3|4|5|6>, // connectivity(1), containment(2), attachment(3), junctionEdgeFromConnectivity(4), junctionEdgeMidspanConnectivity(5), junctionEdgeToConnectivity(6)  
"ISCONTENTVISIBLE" : <0|1>,  // optional: false, true
"FROMNETWORKSOURCEID" : <networkSourceId>,
"FROMGLOBALID" : <guid>,
"FROMTERMINALID" : <long>,   // optional
"TONETWORKSOURCEID" : <networkSourceId>,
"TOGLOBALID" : <guid>,
"TOTERMINALID" : <long>,      // optional
"PERCENTALONG" : <float>       // optional
The ASSSOCIATIONTYPE values 4, 5, and 6 require a utility network version 4 or higher.

The following association properties support updates for the edits parameter of the applyEdits operation:

"ISCONTENTVISIBLE" : <0|1> : false, true
"PERCENTALONG" : <float>

Example usage—add association

Add a new connectivity association using the edit parameter of the applyEdits operation.

Request URL:

The applyEdits operation is executed using geodatabaseVersionName = sde.DEFAULT and useGlobalIds = true. The following represents the edits parameter.

	"id": 500001,
	"adds": [
			"attributes": {
			"objectid": 801,
			"fromnetworksourceid": 9,
			"fromglobalid": "{CAD436A9-1FD9-4F7B-B740-63C09313281A}",
			"fromterminalid": 1,
			"tonetworksourceid": 12,
			"toglobalid": "{3A8185AF-2A13-4072-AB3C-F8A4EFE733E4}",
			"toterminalid": 1,
			"associationtype": 1,
			"iscontentvisible": -1,
			"percentalong": 0,
			"status": 0,
			"errorcode": 0,
			"errormessage": null,
			"creationdate": 1611693998000,
			"creator": "unadmin",
			"lastupdate": 1611693998000,
			"updatedby": "unadmin",
			"globalid": "{4ED4701E-A80C-42C2-9C7C-43DB03AC7CE2}"

JSON response:

 "id": 500001,
 "addResults": [
  "objectId": 902,
  "globalId": "{4ED4701E-A80C-42C2-9C7C-43DB03AC7CE2}",
  "success": true

Example usage—update association

Update the iscontentvisible property for an existing containment association using the edit parameter of the applyEdits operation.

Request URL:

The applyEdits operation is executed using geodatabaseVersionName = sde.DEFAULT and useGlobalIds = true. The following represents the edits parameter.

 "id": 500001,
 "updates": [
    "attributes": {
     "iscontentvisible": 1,
     "globalid": "{4EA7C98E-FC8B-485E-AE6E-C257777CFA10}"

JSON response:

  "id": 500001,
  "updateResults": [
    "globalId": "{4EA7C98E-FC8B-485E-AE6E-C257777CFA10}",
    "success": true

Access network properties using queryDataElements

The queryDataElements resource can provide access to valuable information about utility network layers.

The data element for a utility network controller dataset returns basic network properties as well as details about domain networks, network attributes, terminal configurations, and network categories.

Learn more about Query Data Elements

Example Usage

Provide the layerId for the utility network layer as an array to return data elements from the Auburn feature service:

Request URL:

JSON Response

JSON response:

"layerDataElements": [ 
	"layerId": 9, 
	"dataElement": { 
		"name": "AuburnElectric", 
		"creationTime": 1607475293000, 
		"schemaGeneration": 5, 
		"globalId": "{CA2E61CF-89D0-43C9-A286-5BD867C55B41}", 
		"userIdentity": "unadmin", 
		"properties": {}, 
		"proVersion": "ArcGIS Pro 2.7.0", 
		"serviceTerritoryFeatureLayerId": 8, 
		"minimalDirtyAreaSize": 1, 
		"createDirtyAreaForAnyAttributeUpdate": 0, 
		"domainNetworks": [], 

JSON response examples can be found in the below sections for domain networks, tiers, junction sources, edge sources, network attributes, terminal configurations, and network categories.

Domain networks

The domainNetworks array contains information about each domain network in the utility network as well as information on the tier’s subnetwork definition and trace configuration, junction sources, and edge sources.

JSON response:

	"creationTime": 1607475359000, 
	"releaseNumber": 1, 
	"isStructureNetwork": false, 
	"domainNetworkId": 2, 
	"domainNetworkName": "ElectricDistribution", 
	"domainNetworkAliasName": "Electric Distribution", 
	"subnetworkLayerId": 6, 
	"subnetworkLabelFieldName": "SUBNETWORKNAME", 
	"tierDefinition": "esriTDPartitioned", 
	"subnetworkControllerType": "Source", 
	"tierGroups": [], 
	"tiers": [], 
	"junctionSources": [], 
	"edgeSources": [], 

Tiers example JSON response The tiers array details information about the tier’s subnetwork definition and trace configuration:

Tiers example JSON response. The tiers array details information about the tier’s subnetwork definition and trace configuration:

	"creationTime": 1607475385000, 
	"tierID": 1, 
	"name": "Medium Voltage", 
	"rank": 1, 
	"tierTopology": "esriTTTRadial", 
	"supportDisjointSubnetwork": true, 
	"subnetworkFieldName": "", 
	"tierGroupName": "", 
		"type": "PropertySet", 
		"propertySetItems": ["IsDirty", true ] 
	"updateSubnetworkEditModeForDefaultVersion": "esriUSEMWithoutEventing", 
	"updateSubnetworkEditModeForNamedVersion": "esriUSEMWithEventing", 
	"updateSubnetworkOnStructures": true, 
	"updateSubnetworkOnContainers": true, 
	"updateSubnetworkOnSubnetLines": true, 
	"validateLocatability": false, 
	"updateSubnetworkOptions": 0, 
	"validDevices": [], 
	"validSubnetworkControllers": [], 
	"validLines": [], 
	"validJunctions": [], 
	"validJunctionObjects": [], 
	"validJunctionObjectSubnetworkControllers": [], 
	"validEdgeObjects": [], 
	"aggregatedLinesForSubnetLine": [], 
	"diagramTemplates": [], 
	"updateSubnetworkTraceConfiguration": {}

Junction sources example JSON response:

	"sourceId": 9,
	"layerId": 3,
	"usesGeometry": true,
	"shapeType": "esriGeometryPoint",
	"utilityNetworkFeatureClassUsageType": "esriUNFCUTDevice",
	"assetTypeFieldName": "ASSETTYPE",
		"creationTime": 1607475437000,
		"assetTypeCode": 1,
		"assetTypeName": "Device",
		"containmentViewScale": 50,
		"associationDeleteType": "esriADTSetToNone",
		"associationRoleType": "esriARTContainer",
		"isTerminalConfigurationSupported": true,
		"terminalConfigurationId": 0,
		"isLinearConnectivityPolicySupported": false,
		"connectivityPolicy": "esriNECPEndVertex",
		"categories": [],
		"splitContent": false

Edge sources example JSON response:

	"sourceId": 10,
	"layerId": 5,
	"usesGeometry": true,
	"shapeType": "esriGeometryPolyline",
	"utilityNetworkFeatureClassUsageType": "esriUNFCUTLine",
	"assetTypeFieldName": "ASSETTYPE",
		"creationTime": 1607475367000,
		"assetGroupCode": 0,
		"assetGroupName": "Unknown",
			"creationTime": 1607475367000,
			"assetTypeCode": 0,
			"assetTypeName": "Unknown",
			"containmentViewScale": 0,
			"associationDeleteType": "esriADTRestricted",
			"associationRoleType": "esriARTNone",
			"isTerminalConfigurationSupported": false,
			"terminalConfigurationId": 0,
			"isLinearConnectivityPolicySupported": true,
			"connectivityPolicy": "esriNECPEndVertex",
			"categories": [],
			"splitContent": false

Network attributes

Access information about the network attributes in the utility network

JSON response:

	"creationTime": 1607475293000, 
	"id": 16, 
	"name": "Phases Normal", 
	"networkAttributeToSubstitute": "", 
	"dataType": "esriNADTInteger", 
	"fieldType": "esriFieldTypeSmallInteger", 
	"usageType": "esriUNAUTUnknown", 
	"isEmbedded": false, 
	"isApportionable": false, 
	"isOverridable": false, 
	"isSubstitution": false, 
	"isNullable": false, 
	"domainName": "", 
	"bitPosition": 0, 
	"bitSize": 0, 
	"junctionWeightId": 31, 
	"edgeWeightId": 32, 
		"networkAttributeId": 16, 
		"layerId": 3, 
		"evaluator": {"fieldName": "phasesnormal"}, 

Terminal configurations

Access information about terminal configurations in the utility network

JSON response:

	"creationTime": 1607475293000, 
	"terminalConfigurationId": 0, 
	"terminalConfigurationName": "Single terminal", 
	"traversabilityModel": "esriUNTMBidirectional", 
		"terminalId": 1, 
		"terminalName": "Single Terminal", 
		"isUpstreamTerminal": false 
	"validConfigurationPaths": [], 
	"defaultConfiguration": "All" 

Network categories

Access information about network categories in the utility network

JSON response:

	"creationTime": 1607475293000, 
	"name": "Subnetwork Controller" 