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/update: Update User

  • URL:https://[root]/community/users/[userName]/update(POST only)

Example Usage

URL for Update User
tags=GIS Analyst, Redlands


The Update User operation (POST only) modifies properties such as description, preferred view, tags, access, and thumbnail. The user name cannot be modified. For the "ecas" identity provider, password, e-mail, and full name must be modified by editing your Esri Global Account. For the "arcgis" identity provider, password, full name, security question, and security answer can be updated with Update User. Update User is available only to the user or to the administrator of the user's organization.

Only the properties that are to be updated need to be specified in the request. Properties not specified will not be affected.

Content Views

The portal provides the ability for the user to control the types of content that are presented. This information can then be used to filter certain types of content from search results or featured content. preferredView is the parameter that manages this.

The preferredView parameter allows the user to set the content view that is relevant to them. There are three types of views: Web, GIS, and null. The Web view means the client should return maps (for example, web maps and map services), applications, and tools. In addition to these types, the GIS view means the client should return ArcGIS maps (for example, map packages and map documents), layers, and tools.

This option only applies to Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 or prior.

Request Parameters

[Common Parameters]

For a complete listing, see Common parameters.


Clears any string fields that are passed in empty, i.e. description.

Example: clearEmptyFields=true

[Update User Parameters]

For a complete listing of the available Update User parameters, see the User section of Common parameters.

Response Properties


Indicates if the operation was successful.


The username of the modified user.

JSON Response Syntax

  "success": true | false,
  "username": "<username>"

JSON Response Example

  "success": true,
  "username": "jsmith"