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listings/[itemID]: Listing

Example usage

URL for listing:


A listing in the marketplace. An item can be listed by invoking List Item. The listing and its corresponding item share the same ID.

Request parameters

[Common Parameters]

For a complete listing, see Common parameters.

Response properties

[Properties Common With Item]

The following properties are common between listings and items:

itemId, type, typeKeywords, title, description, tags, snippet, thumbnail, appCategories, industries, languages, largeThumbnail, banner, screenshots, owner, created, avgRating, numComments, numRatings

Descriptions of these properties are available in Item response.

[Listing Properties]

The following listing properties are included in the response and they are described in Common parameters.

licenseType, listingAccess, priceDesc, creditsPerTransaction, trialSupported, trialDuration


The vendor information available as a JSON object.

JSON syntax:

  "id": "<vendorAccountId>",
  "name": "<vendorName>",
  "description": "<vendorDescription>",
  "thumbnail": "<vendorThumbnailRelativeUri>"

JSON example:

  "id": "VLx4vrvwONglS8iz",
  "name": "Test Vendor Name",
  "description": "Test Vendor Description",
  "thumbnail": "thumbnail.png"

JSON response syntax

  "itemId": "<itemId>",
  "licenseType": "<licenseType>",
  "priceDesc": "<priceDesc>",
  "creditsPerTransaction": <creditsPerTransaction>,
  "listingAccess": "<listingAccess>",
  "trialSupported": <trialSupported>,
  "type": "<type>",
  "typeKeywords": [
  "title": "<title>",
  "description": "<description>",
  "tags": [
  "snippet": "<snippet>",
  "thumbnail": "<thumbnail>",
  "appCategories": ["<appCategory1>", "<appCategory2>"],
  "industries": ["<industry1>", "<industry2>"],
  "languages": ["<language1>", "<language2>"],
  "largeThumbnail": "<largeThumbnail>",
  "banner": "<banner>",
  "screenshots": ["<screenshot1>", "<screenshot2>"],
  "owner": "<owner>",
  "created": <created>,
  "avgRating": <avgRating>,
  "numComments": <numComments>,
  "numRatings": <numRatings>,
  "vendor": {
    "id": "<vendorAccountId>",
    "name": "<vendorName>",
    "description": "<vendorDescription>",
    "thumbnail": "<vendorThumbnailRelativeUri>"

JSON response example

  "itemId": "c23d34bea01946f0ba1f530dda4c142e",
  "licenseType": "free",
  "priceDesc": "Free",
  "creditsPerTransaction": 0,
  "listingAccess": "public",
  "trialSupported": false,
  "type": "Feature Service",
  "typeKeywords": [
    "Feature Service",
    "Hosted Service"
  "title": "Test Title",
  "description": "Test Description",
  "tags": [
  "snippet": "Test Snippet",
  "thumbnail": "thumbnail/usa_counties.jpg",
  "appCategories": [],
  "industries": [],
  "languages": [],
  "largeThumbnail": "largethumbnail/pic.png",
  "banner": "banner/banner_data.jpg",
  "screenshots": ["screenshots/ss1.jpg"],
  "owner": "esri",
  "created": 1369959407000,
  "avgRating": 3.75,
  "numComments": 2,
  "numRatings": 7,
  "vendor": {
    "id": "VLx4vrvwONglS8iz",
    "name": "Test Vendor Name",
    "description": "Test Vendor Description",
    "thumbnail": "thumbnail.png"