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Items and item types

Portals allow users to store and share a variety of items. Each item has a type, such as Web Map or Feature Service, and a set of type keywords that provide additional information about the characteristics of that type. Items can be classified into two broad type categories: web content and desktop content. Web content can be actively consumed across all client platforms including web browsers, mobile devices, tablets, and desktops. Desktop content is primarily consumed by desktop applications and must be published as geospatial web services before it can be widely consumed over the web. A portal can be used to store and share this content among users who can download the content and use it locally.


Web and mobile apps that work with content, including ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise, may present only web-accessible content by default.

In each of the web and desktop content categories, items can be classified as maps, layers, styles, tools, applications, or data files based on their primary use.

In the context of the web, maps correspond to web maps, layers correspond to a variety of geospatial content services, tools correspond to a variety of geospatial task services, applications correspond to a variety of web and mobile mapping apps, and data files correspond to content that can be published to create geospatial services. In the context of the desktop, maps correspond to map packages and map documents, layers to layer packages, tools to geoprocessing and locator packages, applications to add-ins and other extensions, styles to desktop styles, and data files to a variety of files that can be shared through the portal.

Maps display geospatial information and consist of layers. Each layer corresponds to an information feed and represents a specific theme or information such as buildings, roads, or satellite imagery. A map and its layers can include authored items such as pop-up windows. Styles contain symbols, symbol primitives (such as colors), and layout elements such as north arrows and scale bars. Tools can be used or applied to the map to reveal additional information. Applications provide specific behavior and context to a map. Data files can be stored and shared and, in certain cases, published as information feeds.

Each item in a portal is a REST resource with its own URL. In addition to type and type keywords, an item includes properties such as Title, Description, Tags, and Thumbnail that are described as part of the item resource. The addItem operation requires the caller adding an item to specify the type of the item, which must be one of the types described below. The type keywords corresponding to an item are added automatically and assist users in searching for the item.

The types supported by ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise are shown in the following tables. Depending on its type, an item may have either a child data resource (<itemURL>/data) that contains the associated data for the item or a url property that contains the URL of the content corresponding to the item. The following tables indicate, for each item type, if it has associated data that is accessible through the child data resource.

Web content

The web content item types are described in the sections below.


The item types for maps are listed in the following table:

TypeDataType keywordsDescription

360 VR Experience


  • 360
  • 3D
  • ArcGIS
  • City
  • Compare
  • Cube Map
  • Experience
  • Panorama
  • Photo
  • Proposals
  • Scenarios
  • Smart Cities
  • Spherical
  • Street View
  • Virtual Reality
  • VR
  • VR360

A 360-degree virtual reality experience that allows you to explore a set of connected, geolocated panoramic 3D visualizations or photos.

CityEngine Web Scene


  • 3D
  • Map
  • Scene
  • Web

An interactive 3D display of geospatial content created withCityEngine (.3ws file).

Map Area


  • Map
  • Map Area

The map extent area definition for offline mapping use.

Pro Map


  • ArcGIS Pro
  • Map
  • Map File
  • mapx

An ArcGIS Pro map file (.mapx).

Web Map


  • Web Map
  • Explorer Web Map
  • Map
  • Online Map
  • ArcGIS Online
  • Collector
  • Offline

A web map authored using the ArcGIS Online JavaScript web Map Viewer Classic. This can be used by web, mobile, and desktop clients.

Collector refers to a web map that is Collector-ready and is available in Collector. The map contains at least one editable layer that supports versioning.

Offline refers to the web map being capable of working offline. The map contains only layers that are offline capable.

Web Scene


  • 3D
  • Map
  • Scene
  • Streaming
  • Web
  • Web Scene

An interactive 3D display of web layers containing geographic information.


The item types for layers are listed in the following table:

TypeDataType keywordsDescription

Feature Collection


  • Feature Collection
  • Route Layer

A feature collection is a saved web map feature layer with a layer definition (types, symbols, fields, and so on) and a feature set (the actual features).

Feature Collection Template


  • Feature Collection
  • Feature Service Template
  • Map Notes Template

A feature collection that includes the layer definition component.

Feature Service

Text/JSON (optional)

  • Data
  • Service
  • Feature Service
  • ArcGIS Server
  • Feature Access

An ArcGIS Server feature service.

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.

Optional JSON data contains overridden service properties.

Geodata Service


  • Data
  • Service
  • Geodata Service
  • ArcGIS Server

An ArcGIS Server geodata service.

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.

Globe Service


  • Data
  • Service
  • Globe Service
  • ArcGIS Server

Support for globe services ended at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.

An ArcGIS Server globe service.

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.

Image Service

Text/JSON (optional)

  • Data
  • Service
  • Image Service
  • ArcGIS Server
  • ArcGIS Image Server

An ArcGIS Server image service.

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.

Optional JSON data contains overridden service properties.


File (optional)

  • Data
  • Map
  • KML

A keyhole markup language (KML) file (.kml or .kmz) or KML network link.

If a file, the data resource retrieves the file, which can be used as a network link. If a network link, the url property contains the URL.

KML Collection


KML Collection

A .zip file containing a collection of keyhole markup language (KML) or keyhole markup language zipped (KMZ) files. Each file is equivalent to one layer.

Map Service

Text/JSON (optional)

  • Data
  • Service
  • Map Service
  • ArcGIS Server

An ArcGIS Server map service.

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.

Optional JSON data contains overridden service properties.



  • Data
  • Service
  • Feature Service
  • OGC
  • OGC Feature Service

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

An Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Feature Service.

Oriented Imagery Catalog


  • OIC
  • Oriented Imagery Catalog
  • ArcGIS
  • Imagery

A collection of images stored as a catalog in which data is added with specific parameters and auxiliary information to allow exploration of off-nadir imagery on a map and to see the camera's field of view dynamically.

Relational Database Connection


  • Data Store
  • Relational
  • Database
  • Connection
  • Service
  • ArcGIS Server

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 and is only supported by Enterprise deployments.

An ArcGIS Server relational catalog service.

The Relational Database Connection item type represents a connection to a database for the purpose of viewing, querying, and analyzing its contents. The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.

Starting at 10.5.1, ArcGIS Insights must be installed to register relational data store types and create relational catalog services or relational database connections. Refer to the ArcGIS Insights documentation for more information about supported databases, required vendor files, supported data types, and required database privileges.

Scene Service


  • Data
  • Service
  • Scene Service
  • ArcGIS Server
  • Hosted Service
  • Point
  • 3DObject
  • Building
  • IntegratedMesh
  • PointCloud
  • Voxel

Cached web layers (scene layers) that are optimized for displaying a large amount of 3D data and can be viewed in ArcGIS clients such as Scene Viewer, ArcGIS Earth, and ArcGIS Pro.

Scene layers include point layers, 3D object layers, building layers, point cloud layers, integrated mesh, and voxel layers.


The Hosted Service keyword refers to a hosted scene service. The Point, 3DObject, Building, IntegratedMesh, PointCloud, and Voxel keywords refer to types of scene services.

Vector Tile Service


  • Data
  • Service
  • Vector Tile Service
  • ArcGIS Server
  • Hosted Service

A set of web-accessible vector tiles that store a vector representation of the data and the corresponding style for how the tiles will be drawn.


The Hosted Service keyword refers to a hosted vector tile service.



  • Data
  • Service
  • Web Feature Service
  • OGC

An OGC Web Feature Service .

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.



  • Data
  • Service
  • Web Map Service
  • OGC

An OGC Web Map Service.

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.



  • Data
  • Service
  • Web Map Tile Service
  • OGC

An OGC Web Map Tile Service.

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.


The item types for tools are listed in the following table:

TypeType keywordsDescription

Geometry Service

  • Tool
  • Service
  • Geometry Service
  • ArcGIS Server

An ArcGIS Server geometry service.

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.

Geocoding Service

  • Tool
  • Service
  • Geocoding Service
  • Locator Service
  • ArcGIS Server
  • Locator

An ArcGIS Server geocode service.

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.

Geoprocessing Service

  • Tool
  • Web Tool
  • Service
  • Geoprocessing Service
  • ArcGIS Server
ArcGIS OnlineArcGIS Enterprise

An ArcGIS Server geoprocessing service.

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.

Network Analysis Service

  • Tool
  • Service
  • Network Analysis Service
  • ArcGIS Server

A routing service (previously called 'Network Analysis service'. The item type is still the same).

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.


Beginning with ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0, network analysis services are routing services.

Workflow Manager Service

  • Workflow Manager
  • ArcGIS Server
  • WMServer
  • Workflow
  • JTX
  • Job Tracking

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item


The item types for applications are listed in the following table:

TypeDataType keywordsDescription

AppBuilder Extension


  • Widget
  • App Builder
  • AppBuilder

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1 and is only supported by Enterprise deployments.

The AppBuilder Extension item type, an extension of ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, is a URL that references custom widgets for use in Web AppBuilder apps in an organization.

AppBuilder Widget Package


  • App Builder
  • AppBuilder
  • Widget

The AppBuilder widget package item type is a custom widget compressed in a .zip file.

The file can be downloaded for use in Web AppBuilder Developer Edition.


This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1.


This item type can only be created and owned by organization administrators.

Code Attachment



One of the following is required:

  • Web Mapping Application
  • Explorer
  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • iPhone

If Web Mapping Application, one of the following is required:

  • JavaScript
  • Flex
  • Silverlight

The sample code associated with a code sample application.



  • Dashboard
  • Operations Dashboard

Dashboards integrate maps, lists, charts, and gauges that help monitor and manage daily operations.

Deep Learning Studio Project


  • Deep Learning Studio
  • Deep Learning Studio Project
  • Deep Learning
  • Training Sample
  • Model
  • Inference
  • Object Detection
  • Pixel Segmentation
  • Pixel Classification
  • Detect Objects
  • Classify Pixel
  • Classify Feature

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0.

The Deep Learning Studio Project item type is a project that includes references to input imagery, hosted feature services that contain training samples collected by users, model training input and output information, and applicable inferencing information, which can be used for training a model for specific, user-defined inference purposes.

Esri Classification Schema


  • Esri Classification Schema
  • Label
  • Deep Learning Studio
  • Deep Learning
  • Training Sample
  • Model

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1.

The Esri Classification Schema is a collection of exported labels and symbology used in a Deep Learning Studio Project.

Excalibur Imagery Project


Excalibur Imagery Project


This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 and is only supported by Enterprise deployments.

An Excalibur Imagery Project item created and managed by the ArcGIS Excalibur app used to provide a centralized experience to accomplish image-based workflows.

Experience Builder Widget


  • Experience Builder Widget
  • Experience Builder
  • Widget

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

A custom widget that can be used in ArcGIS Experience Builder in an organization.


This item type can only be created and owned by organization administrators. This item cannot be shared outside the organization.

Experience Builder Widget Package


  • Package Widget
  • Experience Builder
  • Widget

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

A custom widget that is a configurable and shareable functional unit for use in ArcGIS Experience Builder.


This item type can only be created and owned by organization administrators. This item cannot be shared outside the organization.



  • xForm
  • Form
  • Survey123

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.4. This item type is only applicable to organizational accounts.

A form authored in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and used by ArcGIS Survey123.

GeoBIM Application


  • BIM
  • Map
  • Scene
  • GeoBIM
  • CAD
  • Application

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

A GeoBIM Application item type is the end-user ArcGIS web application that allows stakeholders involved with the life cycle of engineered assets (infrastructure, buildings) to access with different views of these assets including GIS, BIM, project management, and schedule information.

GeoBIM Project


  • BIM
  • Map
  • Scene
  • GeoBIM
  • CAD

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

A GeoBIM Project item is a JSON file containing a complete Experience Builder application with additional properties specific to ArcGIS GeoBIM.

Hub Event


  • Hub
  • Hub Event
  • Ready To Use
  • JavaScript


This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

A central premium capability in ArcGIS Hub Premium, allowing customers and their trusted community members to create, edit, and manage in-person and online events.

Hub Initiative


  • Hub
  • OpenData

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

Initiatives organize data and tools with an organization goal.

Hub Initiative Template


  • Hub
  • Hub Initiative Template
  • JavaScript
  • OpenData
  • Ready To Use

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

A package of multiple solutions related to a specific project or goal.

Hub Page


  • Hub
  • OpenData

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

A hub page provides website pages to market Hub initiatives and provide chart and app content.

Hub Project


  • Hub
  • Hub Project
  • Ready To Use
  • JavaScript

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

A premium capability in ArcGIS Hub that allows customers to set goals, define a time line, and report progress through dynamic indicators.

Hub Site Application


  • Hub
  • OpenData

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

A customizable website that provides a focused view of an organization's items.

Insights Workbook


  • Application
  • ArcGIS
  • Insights
  • Insights
  • Insights
  • Insights
  • Insights Workbook

This item type was added at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.

An Insights workbook file collects or associates all data and analytical activity for a project; captures and maintains relationships such as data locations; and stores result layers, models, pages, and cards.

Insights Workbook Package


  • Insights
  • Insights Workbook Package

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and is supported by both ArcGIS Online and Enterprise deployments.

An Insights workbook package is an exportable file (.insightswbk) containing all aspects of an Insights workbook. All pages, data, models, and themes are included in the package exactly as they appear in the original workbook.

The workbook package file can be distributed and imported to other Insights deployments.

Insights Model


  • Application
  • ArcGIS
  • Insights Model

This item type was added at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.

An Insights model records analysis steps on an Insights page, including adding and joining datasets, spatial analysis, data analytics, and styling.

Insights Page


  • Application
  • Insights Page
  • ArcGIS

This item type was added at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.

An Insights page resides in an Insights workbook. It is used to connect to data and analyze related content and themes with interactive visualization.

Insights Theme


  • ArcGIS
  • Insights Theme

An Insights theme is a collection of properties set on cards and pages in an Insights workbook.

Insights Data Engineering Workbook


  • Insights
  • Insights Data Engineering
  • Data Engineering
  • Workbook
  • Data Engineering Workbook
  • Insights Data Engineering Workbook
  • Insights Workbook

The Insights Data Engineering Workbook was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 and is only supported by Enterprise deployments.

An Insights Data Engineering Workbook stores the data engineering model and its associated data together in one place.

This item type supports the following file formats:

  • Parquet (.parquet)
  • GeoJSON (.geojson)
  • JSON
  • CSV
  • Excel
  • Zip (shapefile and FGDB)

Insights Data Engineering Model


  • Insights
  • Insights Data Engineering
  • Data Engineering
  • Model
  • Data Engineering Model
  • Insights Data Engineering Model
  • Insights Model

The Insights Data Engineering Model was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 and is only supported by Enterprise deployments.

The Insights Data Engineering Model is used to store the model created in ArcGIS Insights.



  • Investigation

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and is only supported by Enterprise deployments.

A Knowledge Graph investigation allows you to save references to the underlying knowledge graph service, maps, and link charts, as well as saved queries, lists, and custom symbology, that can be shared to the organization.

Knowledge Studio Project


  • Knowledge Studio Project
  • Knowledge Studio
  • ArcGIS Knowledge
  • Knowledge
  • Link Chart
  • Graph
  • Investigation

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 and is only supported by Enterprise deployments.

A Knowledge Studio Project file contains all of the information needed to store a working instance of the application. This includes references or definitions to investigations, link charts, maps, or data cards as well as Knowledge Studio specific configuration settings.



  • ArcGIS Mission Management
  • Mission Command


  • StatusDraft
  • StatusActive
  • StatusComplete

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 and is only supported by Enterprise deployments.

A collection of portal items that provides a focused user experience when working with ArcGIS Mission.

Mobile Application


The URL to the application in the app store is stored in the url property of the item.



  • Notebook
  • Python

A Python Jupyter Notebook file (.ipynb) stored in JSON plain text format.

Notebook Code Snippet Library


  • Code
  • Snippet
  • Notebook
  • Library

A collection of shareable and reusable code snippets for use in ArcGIS Notebooks.

Native Application


  • Application
  • Native
  • App
  • Configuration

An ArcGIS AppStudio native application.

Native Application Installer


  • Installer
  • Native
  • App

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

An ArcGIS AppStudio native application installer.

Operation View


  • Application
  • ArcGIS Operations Dashboard
  • ArcGIS Operation View

This item type was retired in ArcGIS Online deployments and ArcGIS Enterprise deployments starting at version 10.7.

The definition of data, tools, widgets, and layout that was used in Dashboards.

Operations Dashboard Add In


  • Application
  • ArcGIS Operations Dashboard
  • Add In

This item type was retired in ArcGIS Online deployments and ArcGIS Enterprise deployments starting at version 10.7.

Operations Dashboard Add-In (.opdashboardaddin file).

Operations Dashboard Extension


  • Extension
  • Application
  • ArcGIS Operations Dashboard


  • Map Tool
  • Widget
  • Feature Action

This item type was retired in ArcGIS Online deployments and ArcGIS Enterprise deployments starting at version 10.7.

Operations Dashboard Extension.

Ortho Mapping Project


  • Ortho Mapping Project
  • Ortho Maker
  • Orthomosaic
  • Orthophoto
  • Ortho

This item type is not applicable to ArcGIS Online; it was added at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1.

Ortho Mapping Template


  • Ortho Mapping Template
  • Ortho Maker
  • Orthomosaic
  • Orthophoto
  • Ortho
  • Template

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 and is only supported by Enterprise deployments.




A solution is composed of one or more related items and groups that work together as part of a workflow. It can be deployed to create a copy of all the items and groups that make up the solution.


  • Text/JSON
  • File
  • StoryMap
  • Web Application

Stories created with the ArcGIS StoryMaps builder.

Web AppBuilder Widget


  • Web AppBuilder
  • Widget

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 and is supported by both ArcGIS Online and Enterprise deployments

A custom widget (available through ArcGIS Marketplace) that is a configurable and shareable functional unit for use in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. It allows administrators to enable the use of a custom widget in the Web AppBuilder UI so an organization can use the ArcGIS Online platform to host their applications.

Web Experience


  • Web Application
  • Web Mapping Application
  • Web Page
  • Web Site
  • Web Experience

An experience item created from ArcGIS Experience Builder.

Web Experience Template


Web Experience Template

An experience template item that contains a pattern or blueprint of web experiences created from ArcGIS Experience Builder.

Web Mapping Application


  • Web Map
  • Map
  • Online Map
  • Mapping Site

Required technology keywords:

  • JavaScript
  • Flex
  • Silverlight
  • Web ADF

One of the following purpose keywords is required:

  • Ready To Use
  • Configurable
  • Code Sample

A web mapping application built using the following:

  • ArcGIS API for JavaScript
  • ArcGIS API for Flex
  • ArcGIS API for Silverlight
  • Java Web Application Developer Framework
  • .NET Web Application Developer Framework

The client must supply the appropriate technology and purpose keywords (Ready To Use, Configurable, or Code Sample) when adding this item.

The URL to the service is stored in the url property of the item.

Workforce Project


Workforce Project


This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

A Workforce project is used to manage mobile workers.

Data files

The item types for data files are listed in the following table:

TypeDataType keywordsDescription

Administrative Report


  • Report
  • ArcGIS Online
  • Reporting
  • Administrative Report

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 and is supported by both ArcGIS Online and Enterprise deployments.

An administrative report in CSV format that outlines various organization usage activities. This cannot be shared to the public.

Apache Parquet


  • Parquet
  • Data interoperability
  • Data

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and is supported by both ArcGIS Online and Enterprise deployments.

A highly compressed column-oriented tabular, nonspatial storage and sharing format (.parquet file).

CAD Drawing


  • Data
  • CAD

A CAD drawing compressed to a single .zip file.

There can also be an associated .wld or .prj file.

Color Set


Color Set

A color set.

Content Category Set


Content Category Set

Used as a template for creating a category set for an organization or a group.



  • Data
  • Text
  • CSV

A text file of data values separated by commas (.csv).

This item can be published as a feature service using the Portal API publish call.

Document Link


  • Data
  • Document

A link to a document resource on the web.

Earth configuration


  • Earth
  • ArcGIS Earth
  • Earth Configuration

This item type is only applicable to ArcGIS Online deployments.

This item is used to create custom settings in ArcGIS Earth. An Earth configuration file is saved as an .xml file.

It can be uploaded through the New item dialog box in My Content and shared with your organization.

Esri Classifier Definition


  • Esri Classifier Definition
  • Classifier
  • Classification
  • Regression
  • ecd

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0.

The Esri Classifier Definition item type is a JSON file with an .ecd extension that contains attribute information, statistics, and other information for classification and regression models for raster analysis and training tools.

Export Package


  • Export Package
  • epk

This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Enterprise deployments.

A package that allows administrators or group owners to export a group and its content into a downloadable package (.epk file).

File Geodatabase


  • Data
  • File
  • Geodatabase

A file geodatabase compressed in a .zip file.

This item can be published as a feature service using the Portal API publish call.



  • Feature
  • FeatureCollection
  • Geometry
  • GeometryCollection
  • CRS
  • Coordinates Type

An open standard geospatial data interchange format that represents simple geographic features and their nonspatial attributes. GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures based on the JSON format.


The item type 'GeoJson' is case-sensitive.



  • Data
  • GeoPackage
  • gpkg

An SQLite-based data file, compliant with the OGC GeoPackage specification, containing both vector geospatial features and tile matrix sets.





This item type is only supported by ArcGIS Online deployments.

The Geography Markup Language (GML) file (.zip) is an XML grammar defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) for expressing geographical features, serving as both a modeling language and an interchange format.



  • Data
  • Image

An imagery file (.gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, or .tiff). These files can be used as a source for image services and imagery layers.

iWork Keynote


  • Data
  • Document
  • Mac

An iWork Keynote file (.key).

It must be in Zip format.

iWork Numbers


  • Data
  • Document
  • Mac

An iWork Numbers file (.numbers).

It must be in Zip format.

iWork Pages


  • Data
  • Document
  • Mac

An iWork Pages file (.pages).

It must be in Zip format.

Microsoft Excel


  • Data
  • Document
  • Microsoft Excel

A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file (.xls or .xlsx).

Microsoft Powerpoint


  • Data
  • Document
  • Microsoft Powerpoint

A Microsoft PowerPoint document file (.ppt or .pptx).

Microsoft Word


  • Data
  • Document
  • Microsoft Word

A Microsoft Word document file (.doc or .docx).



  • Data
  • Document
  • PDF

A Portable Document Format file (.pdf).

Report Template


  • Business Analyst
  • Geoenrichment
  • Report Template

A report template used by the geoenrichment service and Business Analyst applications to generate custom reports.

Service Definition


  • Data
  • Service
  • Service Definition

A service definition file (.sd) that can be published to create a geospatial web service using the Portal API publish call.



  • Data
  • Shapefile

A shapefile is a set of related files for storing the location, shape, attributes, and projection of vector geographic features.

Because a shapefile consists of multiple files, you must compress the files in a .zip file to publish it as a feature service using the Portal API publish call.

SQLite Geodatabase


SQLite Geodatabase

A mobile geodatabase (.geodatabase) resource for offline mapping used for specific map areas.

Statistical Data Collection


  • Business Analyst
  • Statistical Data Collection

Data collection used by the geoenrichment service and Business Analyst applications to perform data aggregation with statistical feature data.

StoryMap Theme

  • Text/JSON
  • File
  • StoryMap
  • StoryMap Theme

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 and is supported by both ArcGIS Online and Enterprise deployments.

A set of fonts, colors, block styles, and other design elements that define the appearance of a StoryMap.



  • Symbology
  • Style
  • Symbols
  • Platform

A web style containing symbols that can be used to author web maps and web scenes. This is consumed by Map Viewer, web applications, ArcGIS Runtime apps, and ArcGIS Pro.

Symbol Set


Symbol Set

A symbol set.

Visio Document


  • Data
  • Document
  • Visio Document

A Microsoft Visio document diagram file (.vsd).

Desktop content

The desktop content item types are described in the sections below.


The item types for maps are listed in the following table:

TypeDataType keywordsDescription

ArcPad Package


  • Map
  • Layer
  • Data
  • ArcPad

Optional, specified by the caller:

  • ArcPad Project
  • ArcPad Template

An ArcPad package file (.zip) generated in ArcPad Data Manager.


ArcPad software was retired in December 2021.

Compact Tile Package


  • Compact Tile Package
  • Tile Package
  • tpkx

A compact tile package (.tpkx file).

Explorer Map


  • Map
  • Explorer Map
  • Explorer Document
  • 2D
  • 3D
  • ArcGIS Explorer
  • nmf

An ArcGIS Explorer map document (.nmf file).


ArcGIS Explorer was retired in January 2018.

Globe Document


  • Map
  • Globe Document
  • 3D
  • ArcGlobe
  • ArcGIS Server
  • 3dd

A 3D document file (.3dd) that is created when you save an ArcGlobe document.



  • ArcGIS Pro
  • Layout
  • LayoutFile
  • pagx

An ArcGIS Pro layout file (.pagx).

Map Document


  • Map Document
  • Map
  • 2D
  • ArcMap
  • ArcGIS Server
  • mxd
  • msd

Support for ArcMap has been removed for ArcGIS Enterprise organizations with the release of Enterprise 11.0.

The .msd format was replaced by service definition draft (.sddraft) and service definition (.sd) files with the release of ArcGIS Server 10.1.

An ArcMap document (.mxd and .msd files).

Map Package


  • Map
  • 2D
  • Map Package
  • ArcMap
  • mpk

Support for ArcMap has been removed for ArcGIS Enterprise organizations with the release of Enterprise 11.0.

An ArcMap map package (.mpk file).

Map Template


  • map
  • template
  • ArcMap
  • ArcGIS Desktop

Support for ArcMap has been removed for ArcGIS Enterprise organizations with the release of Enterprise 11.0.

A map template is a compressed file (.zip) created in ArcMap. It contains documentation, a map, and a geodatabase folder.

Mobile Basemap Package


  • Mobile
  • Mobile Base Package
  • Basemap
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • bpk

A mobile basemap package (.bpk file).

Mobile Map Package


  • 2D
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • Locator
  • Map
  • mmpk
  • Mobile
  • Mobile Map Package
  • Transportation Network

A mobile map package (.mmpk file).

Mobile Scene Package


  • 3D
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • Scene
  • mspk
  • Mobile
  • Mobile Scene Package

A mobile scene package (.mspk file).

Pro Map


  • ArcGIS Pro
  • Map
  • Map File
  • mapx

An ArcGIS Pro map file (.mapx).

Project Package


  • ArcGIS Pro
  • Project
  • Project Package

An ArcGIS Pro project package file (.ppkx).

Project Template


  • ArcGIS Project Template
  • Project Template
  • ArcGIS Pro

An ArcGIS Pro project template file (.aptx).

Published Map


  • Published Map
  • 2D
  • ArcReader
  • ArcMap
  • ArcGIS Server
  • pmf

Support for ArcMap has been removed for ArcGIS Enterprise organizations with the release of Enterprise 11.0.

An ArcReader published map file document (.pmf file).

Scene Document


  • Map
  • Scene Document
  • 3D
  • ArcScene
  • sxd

A 3D document file (.sxd) created in ArcScene.

Task File


  • ArcGIS Professional
  • Task Assistant
  • esriTasks

An ArcGIS task file (esriTasks).

Tile Package


  • Data
  • Tile Package
  • ArcMap
  • ArcGlobe
  • tpk

Support for ArcMap has been removed for ArcGIS Enterprise organizations with the release of Enterprise 11.0.

A package of map tile caches (.tpk file).

Vector Tile Package


  • Data
  • Vector Tile Package
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • vtpk

A collection of vector tiles and style resources contained in a .vtpk file.

Windows Mobile Package


  • ArcGIS ArcGIS for Windows Mobile Package
  • ArcGIS for Windows Mobile Map
  • ArcGIS for Windows Mobile
  • wmpk

An ArcGIS for Windows Mobile package represents a map that can be opened in the ArcGIS for Windows Mobile app.


ArcGIS for Windows Mobile software was retired in July 2017.


The item types for layers are listed in the following table:

TypeDataType keywordsDescription

Explorer Layer


  • Data
  • Layer
  • Explorer Layer
  • ArcGIS Explorer
  • nmc

An ArcGIS Explorer layer file (.nmc).


ArcGIS Explorer was retired in January 2018.

Image Collection


  • Data
  • Image
  • Image Collection

This item type was added at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.

A portable file containing one or more images that can be published as an image service for imagery visualization and analysis or a feature service.



  • Data
  • Layer
  • ArcMap
  • ArcGlobe
  • ArcGIS Explorer
  • lyr

Support for ArcMap has been removed for ArcGIS Enterprise organizations with the release of Enterprise 11.0.

An ArcGIS Desktop layer file (.lyr).



  • ArcGIS Explorer
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGlobe
  • ArcMap
  • Data
  • Layer
  • Layer File
  • lyr
  • lyrx

Support for ArcMap has been removed for ArcGIS Enterprise organizations with the release of Enterprise 11.0.

An ArcGIS Pro layer file (.lyrx).

Layer searches are handled by different type keywords based on the file extension.

Layer Package


  • Data
  • Layer Package
  • ArcMap
  • ArcGlobe
  • ArcGIS Explorer
  • lpk

Support for ArcMap has been removed for ArcGIS Enterprise organizations with the release of Enterprise 11.0.

An ArcGIS Desktop layer package (.lpk file).

Pro Report


  • Report
  • Pro Report
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • rptx

An ArcGIS Pro report definition file (.rptx).

Scene Package


  • 3D
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGIS Server
  • Scene
  • Scene Package
  • spk
  • slpk

A compressed cache file (.spk or .slpk) containing a building, multipatch, point, point cloud, or voxel dataset .


The item type for styles is listed in the following table:

TypeDataType keywordsDescription

Desktop Style


  • ArcGIS Pro
  • Symbology
  • Style
  • Symbols (either 2d or 3d)

An ArcGIS Pro style file (.stylx).


The item types for tools are listed in the following table:

TypeDataType keywordsDescription

ArcGIS Pro Configuration


  • Tool
  • Add-in
  • Configuration
  • proConfigX
  • ArcGIS Pro

A configuration file (.proconfigX) contains customizations of ArcGIS Pro, including a custom splash screen and startup page as well as tools, dock panes, and menus.

Deep Learning Package


  • Deep Learning Package
  • Raster
  • dlpk

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.

A deep learning model package (.dlpk file) is generated using the Train Deep Learning Model geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS Pro or Deep Learning Studio. Deep learning model package files can be used as input to geoprocessing tools or analysis tools in web maps.

You can also place a .dlpk file in a .zip file.

Geoprocessing Package


  • Tool
  • ArcGIS Desktop
  • ArcMap
  • ArcGlobe
  • ArcScene
  • Toolbox
  • Geoprocessing Package
  • Model
  • Script
  • Sharing
  • Result
  • gpk

Support for ArcMap has been removed for ArcGIS Enterprise organizations with the release of Enterprise 11.0.

An ArcGIS Desktop geoprocessing package file (.gpk).

Geoprocessing Package (Pro version)


  • Tool
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • Toolbox
  • Model
  • Script
  • Result
  • gpkx

An ArcGIS Pro geoprocessing package (.gpkx file).

Geoprocessing Sample


  • Tool
  • Geoprocessing
  • Sample

Optional, specified by the caller:

  • model
  • script

A collection of toolboxes, scripts, models, data, and supplemental files used to run geoprocessing tools in ArcGIS.

Locator Package


  • Tool
  • ArcMap
  • ArcGIS Desktop
  • Locator Package
  • Geocoding
  • gcpk

Support for ArcMap has been removed for ArcGIS Enterprise organizations with the release of Enterprise 11.0.

An ArcGIS Desktop locator package file (.gcpk).

Raster function template


  • Raster
  • Functions
  • Processing
  • rft
  • Function Template
  • Templates

An ArcGIS raster function template.

Rule Package


  • Tool
  • Rule Package
  • ArcScene
  • 3D
  • rpk

An ArcScene or CityEngine rule package file (.rpk).

Pro Report Template


  • Report Template
  • Pro Report Template
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • rptt

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1.

An ArcGIS Pro Report Template file (.rptt).

This template contains a user defined report. Once added and opened in ArcGIS Pro, the user can specify a data source, and then view and export the report.

This is available to Organizations and public accounts.


The item types for applications are listed in the following table:

TypeDataType keywordsDescription

ArcGIS Pro Add In


  • Tool
  • Add In
  • ArcGIS Pro Add In
  • esriaddinx

An ArcGIS Pro add-in file (.esriaddinx).

Code Sample


  • Code
  • Sample

Optional, specified by the caller:

  • Java
  • C#
  • C++
  • C
  • Python
  • Script

A code sample (.zip file).

Desktop Add In


  • Tool
  • Add In
  • Desktop Add In
  • ArcGIS Desktop
  • ArcMap
  • ArcGlobe
  • ArcScene
  • esriaddin

Support for ArcMap has been removed for ArcGIS Enterprise organizations with the release of Enterprise 11.0.

An ArcGIS Desktop add-in file (.esriaddin), which allows you to share a Python add-in.

Desktop Application


Desktop Application

Required platform keywords:

  • Java
  • .NET-Windows Desktop
  • OS X
  • Qt
  • WPF

Required purpose keywords:

  • Code Sample
  • Configurable
  • Ready to Use

The installation files for a desktop application, compressed in a .zip file.

Desktop Application Template


  • Application
  • Template
  • ArcGIS Desktop

The desktop application template (.zip file) includes either a desktop add-in or a toolbar.exe file.

Explorer Add In


  • Tool
  • Add In
  • Explorer Add In
  • ArcGIS Explorer
  • eaz

An ArcGIS Explorer add-in file (.eaz) to add functionality.


ArcGIS Explorer was retired in January 2018.

Survey123 Add In


  • Survey123 Add In
  • Add In
  • Tool

This item type was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1.

A Survey123 add-in file (.surveyaddin) used to alter ArcGIS Survey123 functionality.

Workflow Manager Package


  • Tool
  • ArcGIS Workflow Manager
  • Sharing
  • ArcGIS Desktop
  • wpk

An ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) package file (.wpk).