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/invite: Invite to Group

  • URL:https://[root]/community/groups/[groupID]/invite(POST only)

Example usage

URL for Invite Users to a Group
users=mjohnson, swilson, rfields


A group administrator can invite users to join their group using the invite operation. This creates a new user invitation, which the users accept or decline. The role of the user and the invitation expiration date can be set in the invitation. A notification is created for the user indicating that they were invited to join the group. The operation is available to group owner, manager and organization administrators who has the portal:admin:assignToGroups privilege.

Request parameters

[Common Parameters]

For a complete listing, see Common parameters.


A comma separated list of usernames to be invited to the group. If a user is already a member of the group or an invitation has already been sent, the call still returns a success.



Allows administrators to set the user's role in the group. Accepted role values are:

  • group_member: Users assigned this group role have the ability to view and share items with group.
  • group_admin: In addition to viewing and sharing items, users with the group_admin role have the same capabilities as the group owner (invite users to the group, accept or decline group applications, delete content, and remove users).

Expiration date on the invitation can be set for one day, three days, one week, or two weeks, in minutes.



JSON Response syntax

  "success": <true | false>,
  "groupId": "<group id>"

JSON Response example

  "success": true,
  "groupId": "2ecb37a8c8fb4051af9c086c25503bb0"