- URL:https://[root]/content/users/[userName]/export(POST only)
Example Usage
URL for Export Item
exportParameters={"layers": [ {"id" : 0 } ] }
Exports a service item (POST only) to the specified output format. Available only to users with an organizational subscription. Invokable only by the service item owner or an administrator.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Details |
[Common Parameters] | For a complete listing, see Common parameters. |
itemId | The ID of the item to be exported. Example: itemId=345313e619df46f387f9ededbe15ac56 |
exportFormat | The output format for the export. Values: Shapefile | CSV | File Geodatabase | Feature Collection | GeoJson | Scene Package | KML | Excel Example: exportFormat=Shapefile |
exportParameters | A JSON object describing the layers to be exported and the export parameters for each layer. Example: exportParameters= {"layers" : [ { "id" : 0 } ] } |
Export Parameters JSON Object
The exportParameters JSON object is described below.
Property | Description |
layers | (Required) An array of exportLayerInfo JSON objects that controls which layers are exported. Described in the table below. |
targetSR | The target spatial reference for the exported features. |
Export Layer Info JSON Object
The exportLayerInfo JSON object is described below.
Property | Description |
id | (Required) The ID of the layer within the service to be exported. |
where | A where clause used to filter features for the layer. |
includeGeometry | Controls if feature geometries are included in the export results. The default is 'true'. |
xColumnName | Only applies to CSV exportFormat. The name of the field in the CSV file that will contain the x coordinate of exported point geometries. The default value is 'x'. |
yColumnName | Only applies to CSV exportFormat. The name of the field in the CSV file that will contain the y coordinate of exported point geometries. The default value is 'y'. |
A sample exportParameters JSON object is as follows:
"layers" :[ {"id" : 0 },
{"id" : 1, "where" : "POP1999 > 100000"}
If exportParameters is left empty, it is assumed that all layers should be exported.
Response Properties
The response object is described below.
Property | Details |
type | The type of the resulting item. |
size | The size of the resulting item. |
jobId | The job ID of the export job. |
exportItemId | The ID of the result item of the export. |
serviceItemId | The ID of the service item that was exported. |
exportFormat | The format of the export. |
JSON Response Syntax
"type":<type of the exported item>,
"size":<size of the exported item>,
"jobId":<jobId for the export job>
"exportItemId":<id of the exported item that is created>,
"serviceItemId": <id of the hosted feature service item that was exported>,
"exportFormat": <exportFormat>
JSON Response Example
"type" : "Shapefile",
"size" : 656325,
"jobId" : "340f0f98-a5d2-48c0-b8ab-a1b418529024",
"exportItemId" : "4e37b0b8550a40709f02a695cd9fc4fc",
"exportFormat" : "Shapefile"