- URL:https://[root]/portals/[portalID]/createCollaboration(POST only)
- Required Capability:Administrator (host)
- Version Introduced:10.5
Example usage
Below is a sample ArcGIS Online POST request for the createCollaboration operation:
POST /sharing/rest/portals/0123456789ABCDEF/createCollaboration HTTP/1.1
Host: org.arcgis.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: []
name=Add test&description=test&workspaceName=Add test&workspaceDescription=test&portalGroupId=275e7b9c6de6490b9d63f72d3e1704ef&hostContactFirstname=Test&hostContactLastname=Admin&hostContactEmailAddress=test@domain.com&accessMode=sendAndReceive&config=&f=pjson
Below is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise POST request for the createCollaboration operation:
POST /webadaptor/sharing/rest/portals/0123456789ABCDEF/createCollaboration HTTP/1.1
Host: machine.domain.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: []
name=Add test&description=test&workspaceName=Add test&workspaceDescription=test&portalGroupId=275e7b9c6de6490b9d63f72d3e1704ef&hostContactFirstname=Test&hostContactLastname=Admin&hostContactEmailAddress=test@domain.com&accessMode=sendAndReceive&config=&f=pjson
The createCollaboration operation creates a collaboration. The host of the collaboration is the portal where it is created. The initial workspace for the collaboration is also created. A portal group in the host portal is linked to the workspace. The access mode for the host portal is set. The contact information associated with the host can be specified; otherwise, the contact information for the administrator user performing the operation will be used.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
name | The name of the collaboration. The collaboration name has a limit of 100 characters. |
description | A description of the collaboration that all participants will see. The collaboration description has a limit of 250 characters. |
workspaceName | The name of the initial workspace. The workspace name has a limit of 100 characters. |
workspaceDescription | The description of the initial workspace. The workspace description has a limit of 250 characters. |
portalGroupId | ID of group in the portal that will be linked with the workspace. |
accessMode | The organization's access mode to the workspace. Values: send | receive | sendAndReceive |
hostContactFirstname | The first name of the contact person for the collaboration host portal. |
hostContactLastname | The last name of the contact person for the collaboration host portal. |
hostContactEmailAddress | The email address of the contact person for the collaboration host portal. |
f | The response formatting parameter. The default value is html. Values: html | json | pjson |
JSON Response example
"success": true,
"collaboration": {
"id": "7f7354945c784d388160815d829959c3",
"name": "disasterRelief",
"description": "disaster relief portal collaborations",
"collaborationHostPortalId": "d6966913-38a9-4a66-82f7-db96ecdf1773",
"config": {
"ownerUsername": "admin"
"created": 1473278625378,
"modified": 1473278625378
"collaborationWorkspaceId": "e62843a5aad34a7e8338dce3fa664a39"