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Unregister Replica (Feature Service)

  • URL:https://<featureservice-url>/unRegisterReplica(POST only)
  • Required Capability:Create,Update,Delete,Sync
  • Version Introduced:10.0


The unRegisterReplica operation is performed on a feature service resource. This operation unregisters a replica on the feature service. It requires the Sync capability. See Sync overview for more information on sync.

You can provide arguments to the unRegisterReplica operation as defined in the following parameters table:

New in 10.5.1

  • The unregisterReplica operation now supports a replicaID value of *.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json


The replicaID returned by the feature service when the replica was created.

The ID of a replica can also be found by accessing the feature service Replicas resource.

New in 10.5.1: If * is provided, all replicas accessible by the logged in user are removed.

This is a required parameter.

Syntax: replicaID=<replicaID>

Example: replicaID=replicaID

Example usage

Unregister a replica:{b7b70c50-7b8d-4938-a6f9-61f376e94c75 }

JSON response syntax

   "success": <true | false>,
   "error": {
      "code": <error>,
      "message": "<message>",
      "details": "<details>"

JSON response example

   "success": true