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Release Locks



The ArcGIS Location Referencing license is required to use this resource.

This operation releases a set of LRS locks that are held by the person currently invoking.

An error response is returned from this operation when conflict prevention is not enabled on the LRS. Refer to the conflictPreventionEnabled property of the Locks resource.

A lock can only be released if the version in which it was acquired does not need to be posted.

The esriCouldNotReleaseAllLocksNeedToRunAebGpToolOnDefault release status is returned if you are trying to release a route lock on the default version but the event behaviors have not been applied yet for the corresponding route edit, using the Apply Event Behaviors tool.

Request parameters


Optional parameter to specify the response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json



Description: A list of one or more lines or routes with locks to be released.

The layerId can be for a network or an event layer


   "layerId" : <layerId>, 
   "routeId" : "<routeId>"
  } |
   "layerId" : <layerId>, 
   "lineId" : "<lineId>"

Example usage

The following are examples of releasing single or multiple locks held by the invoker.

Example 1

URL for releasing a single lock.


Example 2

URL for releasing multiple locks.

https://sampleserver/arcgis/rest/services/MyLRS/MapServer/exts/LRServer/locks/release?f=json&releaseLocks=[{"routeId":"I90","layerId":3},{"routeId":"I90","layerId":4},{"routeId":"US101","layerId":4}},{"lineId":"NWS Line A", "layerId":5},{"lineId":"NWS Line B", "layerId":5}]

JSON response syntax

  "releaseStatus" : "<status>", // one of: esriSuccess, esriCouldNotReleaseAllLocks, esriCouldNotReleaseAllLocksActiveEditSession, esriCouldNotReleaseAllLocksPostRequired, esriCouldNotReleaseAllLocksOwnedByOtherUsers, esriCouldNotReleaseAllLocksNeedToRunAebGpToolOnDefault
  "releasedLocks" : [
      "routeId" : "<routeId>",
      "layerId" : <layerId>
    } |
      "lineId" : "<lineId>",
      "layerId" : <layerId>

JSON response example

  "releaseStatus" : "esriSuccess",
  "releasedLocks" : [
      "routeId" : "I90",
      "layerId" : 2
      "routeId" : "I90",
      "layerId" : 4
      "routeId" : "US101",
      "layerId" : 4
      "lineId" : "NWS Line A",
      "layerId" : 5
      "lineId" : "NWS Line B",
      "layerId" : 6