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Globe Layer



Globe services are deprecated at 10.5.

The Globe Layer resource represents a single layer in a globe service published by ArcGIS Server. It provides basic information about the layer, such as its ID, name, type, parent and sub-layers, fields, extent, data type, sampling mode, and extrusion type.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

JSON Response syntax

            {"currentVersion": <currentVersion>,"id" : <layerId>,"name" : "<layerName>","type" : "<layerType>","description" : "<description>","extent" : {<envelope>},"defaultVisibility": <true|false>,"dataType" : "<dataType>","maxDistance" : <maxDistance>,"minDistance" : <minDistance>,"samplingMode" : "<samplingMode>","baseID" : <baseID>,"baseOption" : "<baseOption>","extrusionType" : "<extrusionType>","extrusionExpression" : "<extrusionExpression>","cullMode" : "<cullMode>","copyrightText" : "<copyrightText>","displayField" : "<displayField>","fields" : [ {"name" : "<fieldName1>", "type" : "<fieldType1>"}, {"name" : "<fieldName1>", "type" : "<fieldType1>"}],"parentLayer" : {"id" : <parentLayerId>, "name" : "<parentLayerName>"},"subLayers" : [  {"id" : <subLayerId1>, "name" : "<subLayerName1>"}, {"id" : <subLayerId2>, "name" : "<subLayerName2>"}]}

JSON Response example

            {"currentVersion": 10.1,"id" : 4,"name" : "rivers","type" : "esriCarto.FeatureLayer","description" : "","extent" : { "xmin" : -164.76, "ymin" : 25.845, "xmax" : -67.791, "ymax" : 70.409, "spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4269}},"defaultVisibility": false,"dataType" : "esriGlobeDataVector","maxDistance" : 0,"minDistance" : 0,"samplingMode" : "esriGlobeImageSamplingSmooth","baseID" : -1,"baseOption" : "esriGlobeLayerBaseGlobe","extrusionType" : "esriExtrusionNone","extrusionExpression" : "","cullMode" : "esriFaceCullingNone","copyrightText" : "","displayField" : "Name","fields" : [ {"name" : "FID", "type" : "esriFieldTypeOID"}, {"name" : "Shape", "type" : "esriFieldTypeGeometry"}, {"name" : "NAME", "type" : "esriFieldTypeString"}, {"name" : "SYSTEM", "type" : "esriFieldTypeString"}],"parentLayer" : {"id" : 2, "name" : "USA"},"subLayers" : []}