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Upload Assets (Feature Service/Layer)

  • URL:https://<featurelayer-url>/uploadAssets
  • Required Capability:Editing, Uploads
  • Version Introduced:11.1


The uploadAssets operation uploads assets to a service either by referencing the upload ID of an asset or having the asset embedded in the request. Assets must be uploaded to a service before they can be referenced in applyEdits or convert3D requests.

If the operation is successful, the response will include the uploadResults property, which will have a result object for each asset included in the request. If an asset is uploaded successfully, the result object will return success as true and the computed hash for the asset. If an asset was not uploaded successfully, the result object will return success as false and an error object that includes an error code and description of the error. If the operation is not successful, the response will return an error.

Request parameters


An array of asset objects. Each asset object contains the assetType property and either the assetData or assetUploadId properties, which specify the asset data to be uploaded. For the assetData property, the value is base64 encoded asset data. For the assetUploadId property, the value references an upload ID that's returned after using the upload operation to upload an asset to the server. The list of possible assetType values is configured per feature service and can be obtained from a feature layer resource's JSON format, in the "infoFor3D": {"editFormats":[]} JSON object.


//General syntax example
assets=[<asset1>, <asset2>]

//assetData syntax example
assets=[{"assetType": "<assetType>","assetData": "<base64EncodedAssetBytes>"}]

//assetUploadId syntax example
assets=[{"assetType": "<assetType>","assetUploadId": "<uploadId>"}]


assets=[{"assetType": "3D_gltf","assetData": "Z2xURgIAAACoiRAAsFcAAEpTT057ImFjY2Vzc29ycyI6W3siYnVmZmVyVmlldyI6MSwiY29tcG9uZ..."},{"assetType": "IM_png","assetUploadId": "i0bcaf83a-85e2-40a3-b1e7-f80c7b63b832"}]

The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Example usage

The following is a sample request for the uploadAssets operation:[{"assetType": "3D_gltf","assetData": "Z2xURgIAAACoiRAAsFcAAEpTT057ImFjY2Vzc29ycyI6W3siYnVmZmVyVmlldyI6MSwiY29tcG9uZ..."},{"assetType": "IM_png","assetUploadId": "i0bcaf83a-85e2-40a3-b1e7-f80c7b63b832"}]&f=pjson

JSON Response syntax

  "uploadResults": [
      "success": true,
      "assetHash": "<assetHash1>"
      "success": true,
      "assetHash": "<assetHash2>"
      "success": false,
      "error": {
        "code": "<error code>",
        "description": "<error description>"

JSON Response example

  "uploadResults": [
      "success": "true",
      "assetHash": "045ef29d382f1c8227bde3a25d37f7a62fe0d2259a3a14dd6486ee53c8faba18"
      "success": "false",
      "error": {
        "code": 2017,
        "description": "Invalid upload item id"