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Diagram Dataset


The Diagram Dataset resource regroups the info related to each diagram template under a Network Diagram service. It returns an array of diagram template info.

Conceptual representation of Diagram Dataset resource

The active portal account must be assigned a license with the ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension to use this resource.

Request parameters


Description: The name of the geodatabase version.

Syntax: gdbVersion=<version>

Example: gdbVersion=ABV1


Description: The token (guid) used to lock the version.

Syntax: sessionId=<guid>

Example: sessionId=44G259DE-87B0-407D-8F2E-DCB7665DD0F0


Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: <html | json>

Example usage

JSON Response syntax

An array of diagram template info that provides the following information:

  • name—The name of the diagram template (String).
  • description—The description of the diagram template (String).
  • creationDate—The template creation date (Date).
  • lastUpdateDate—The template's last update date (Date).
  • usedByATier—Whether the template is used to generate a subnetwork system diagram in a tier (Boolean).
  • enableDiagramExtend—Whether the template enables diagram extend (Boolean).
  • enableDiagramStorage—Whether the template enables diagram storage (Boolean).

 "diagramTemplateInfos": [
   "name": "< template1 >",
   "description": "< template1Description >",
   "creationDate": < template1CreationDate >,
   "lastUpdateDate": < template1LastUpdateDate >,
   "usedByATier": < true | false >,
   "enableDiagramExtend": < true | false >,
   "enableDiagramStorage": < true | false >
   "name": "< templateN >",
   "description": "< templateNDescription >",
   "creationDate": < templateNCreationDate >,
   "lastUpdateDate": < templateNLastUpdateDate >,
   "usedByATier": < true | false >,
   "enableDiagramExtend": < true | false >,
   "enableDiagramStorage": < true | false >

JSON Response example

 "diagramTemplateInfos": [
   "name": "Basic",
   "description": "",
   "creationDate": -2209161600000,
   "lastUpdateDate": 1520936616000,
   "usedByATier": true,
   "enableDiagramExtend": true,
   "enableDiagramStorage": true
   "name": "ExpandContainers",
   "description": "",
   "creationDate": -2209161600000,
   "lastUpdateDate": 1520936659000,
   "usedByATier": false,
   "enableDiagramExtend": false,
   "enableDiagramStorage": true
   "name": "CollapseContainers",
   "description": "",
   "creationDate": -2209161600000,
   "lastUpdateDate": 1520936644000,
   "usedByATier": false,
   "enableDiagramExtend": false,
   "enableDiagramStorage": true