- URL:https://<orthomappingtools-url>/AlterProcessingStates
- Version Introduced:10.6.1

The AlterProcessingStates operation is a service tool that sets the processing states of a mosaic dataset. The states are stored as the Ortho Mapping key property. The state's content is a JSON dictionary that includes several properties that can be set based on the processes run on the image collection.
As of ArcGIS 10.5, you must license your ArcGIS Server as an ArcGIS Image Server to use this resource.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
imageCollection | The mosaic dataset name or URL. The image service must exist before calling the service to set the processing states. Syntax: A JSON object supports three keys: itemId, url, and uri. These keys are case sensitive. Example: |
newStates (Required) | The new states that are set on the image collection. Supported properties are adjustment, dem, gcp, seamlines, and colorcorrection.
f | The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
When you submit a request, the task assigns a unique job ID for the transaction.
"jobId": "<unique job identifier>",
"jobStatus": "<job status>"
After the initial request is submitted, you can use jobId to periodically review the status of the job and messages as described in Checking job status. Once the job has successfully completed, use jobId to retrieve the results. To track the status, you can make a request of the following form:
https://<orthomapping tools url>/AlterProcessingStates/jobs/<jobID>
When the status of the job request is esriJobSucceeded, you can access the results of the analysis by making a request of the following form:
https://<orthomapping tools url>/AlterProcessingStates/jobs/<jobID>/results/processingStates?token=<your token>&f=json
The result will be the newly set state's JSON.
Example usage
The following is a sample URL for AlterProcessingStates:
JSON request example
imageCollection={"itemId": "1780d648db3545bba8661ad98df824a4"}&
newStates={"blockadjustment": "Full", "dem": "Dense_Natural_Neighbor", "seamlines": "Disparity", "colorcorrection": "SingleColor"}