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When ArcGIS Server is installed on a server machine, you must create a new site. A site is a collection of server resources, such as server machines that have ArcGIS Server installed with GIS services, data, and so on.

Subsequently, newer server machines can join a site and increase its computing power. Once a site is no longer required, it can be deleted, which releases its resources.


The configuration and meta information for the site is maintained on disk in a set of files that comprise the configuration store.

Once a site has been created, the result is a root resource for administering an ArcGIS Server deployment. The root resource returns a collection of hierarchically organized, top-level resources that provide access to additional resources and operations: machines, services, security, system, data, uploads, logs, kml, info, mode, and usage reports.

Alternative views of the root resource page, such as the json and pjson response formats, return the site's current licensing and language information.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Example usage

The following is a sample request URL used to access the ArcGIS Server Administrator API root resource:

JSON Response syntax

  "isServerLicensed" : "<true | false>",
  "resources": [ "<Resource>", "<Resource>", ...],
  "currentVersion": <Version number, ex: xx.x>,
  "fullVersion": "<Full version number, ex: xx.x.x>",
  "acceptLanguage": "Language information"

JSON Response example

  "isServerLicensed": "true",
  "resources": [
  "currentVersion": 11.1,
  "fullVersion": "11.1.0",
  "acceptLanguage": "en-US,en;q=0.9"