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This resource models the permissions on the given folder or service. Permissions are access privileges that are assigned to roles (principals) by the service administrator to provide a role-based access control.

ArcGIS Server implements the Continuous Inheritance Model, under which a resource (such as a folder or service) inherits the permissions of its parent resource during creation, but these permissions can be changed at a later time.

Permissions are assigned to roles using the Add Permission operation. To purge all the permissions that have been assigned to a role, you can use the Clean Permissions operation. This operation is useful if the role is to be deleted from the role store.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Example usage

Below is a sample request for the permissions resource:

JSON Response syntax

  "permissions": [<permission1>, <permission2>]

JSON Response example

  "permissions": [
      "principal": "Analysts",
      "permission": {
        "isAllowed": true
        "constraint": ""
      "childURL": "",
      "operation": ""
      "principal": "Technicians",
      "permission": {
        "isAllowed": false
        "constraint": ""
      "childURL": "",
      "operation": ""