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Web Adaptors

  • URL:https://<notebookserveradmin>/system/webadaptors
  • Required Capability:Administrator
  • Version Introduced:10.7


This operation lists the ArcGIS Web Adaptor registered with the site. The server trusts this Web Adaptor and will authorize calls from its server.

Request Parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Response Format

	"webadaptors": [

Example Usage

{"webAdaptors": [{
    "reconnectServerOnFailureInterval": 1,
    "webAdaptorURL": "",
    "httpPort": 0,
    "isAdminEnabled": true,
    "id": "3ca17714-d723-4966-aef9-1789cdc20c71",
    "refreshServerListInterval": 1,
    "httpsPort": 443,
    "machineName": "",
    "machineIP": ""