- URL: https://<notebookserveradmin>/notebooks/runtimes/register(POST only)
- Required Capability:Administrator
- Version Introduced:10.7.1
If you created a custom notebook runtime to expand the capabilities and resources of the runtimes provided by Esri, use this operation to register the custom runtime with the site. Notebook runtimes use Docker images. See Extend a notebook runtime for the steps to create a Docker image and custom runtime. Starting at 10.8, you can also register a runtime in ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
name (Required) | A string to represent the new runtime, such as "Notebook Custom Runtime Python 3". |
version (Required) | The version of the Esri-provided runtime used as the base Docker image. Legacy:This parameter has been deprecated as of ArcGIS Notebook Server version 10.9 |
imageId (Required) | Full (nontruncated) ID for the new Docker image, when it was built. |
containerType (Optional) | The only valid value is docker. |
imagePullString (Optional) | Not applicable. |
requiresAdvancedPrivileges (Required) | Set this value to true if the runtime requires advanced privileges. Values: true | false |
maxCPU (Required) | The maximum number of CPU units to be used for each container. |
maxMemory (Required) | The maximum amount of memory to be used for each container. |
maxMemoryUnit (Required) | The unit specified by the maxMemory parameter. |
maxSwapMemory (Optional) | The maximum amount of swap memory available for each container if it reaches the maxMemory limit. |
maxSwapMemoryUnit (Optional) | The unit specified by the maxSwapMemory parameter. |
sharedMemory (Optional) | The amount of shared memory available for each container. |
sharedMemoryUnit (Optional) | The unit specified by the sharedMemory parameter. |
dockerRuntime (Optional) | Only applies to GPU runtimes in Linux environments. |
manifestFile (Optional) | The full path to a .json file (in UTF-8 or ANSI encoding) containing the list of Python libraries in the runtime. |
f (Optional) | The default response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json | pjson |
createManifestFile (Optional) | If set to true, a manifest .json file is automatically created for the Docker image registered as the notebook runtime. Providing a file for the manifestFile parameter overrides this setting. Values: true |
Example usage
https://gisserver.domain.com:11443/arcgis/admin/notebooks/runtimes/register?name="Notebook Custom Runtime Python 3"
JSON Response syntax
"notebookRuntime": {
"imageId": "<runtime imageId>",
"containerType": "<containerType>",
"maxCpu": '<maxCpu cores>',
"version": "<runtime version>",
"maxMemory": '<maxMemory>',
"esriProvidedRuntime": ,
"name": "<runtime name>",
"maxMemoryUnit": "<memory unit>",
"maxSwapMemory": '<max Swap Memory>',
"maxSwapMemoryUnit": "maxSwapMemoryUnit",
"id": "runtime id",
"requiresAdvancedPrivileges": true|false ,
"sharedMemorySizeUnit": "sharedMemorySizeUnit",
"sharedMemorySize": '<sharedMemorySize>'
"status": "success"
JSON Response example
"notebookRuntime": {
"imageId": "1a0d115fe38be3533e4242f926e0f3c356b25bfe2ab0867a26d0f259128d4b86",
"containerType": "docker",
"maxCpu": 2,
"version": "5.0",
"maxMemory": 6,
"esriProvidedRuntime": false,
"name": "Notebook Custom Runtime Python 3",
"maxMemoryUnit": "g",
"maxSwapMemory": 0,
"maxSwapMemoryUnit": "g",
"id": "08c6c325-a81f-40b4-8205-b883980f1e2e",
"requiresAdvancedPrivileges": true,
"sharedMemorySizeUnit": "m",
"sharedMemorySize": 2048
"status": "success"