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Status (machine)

  • URL:https://<notebookserveradmin>/machines/<machinename>/status
  • Required Capability:Administrator
  • Version Introduced:10.8


The status resource provides information about the status of a machine in an ArcGIS Notebook Server site.

Request parameters



The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Response properties


Specifies the health of the machine. If healthcheck returns false, the notebook server on the machine may not be in a working state or its Docker environment may not be configured correctly.

If the healthcheck fails for a machine, communication to the machine through the web adaptor endpoint of the notebook server will fail.

Values: true | false


Introduced at 11.2

Specifies whether maxExecuteNotebookContainersPerNode has been reached for the machine. If the property is false, the machine is not ready to accept new requests for automated runs of notebooks or scheduled task runs until the number of execute notebook containers on the machine falls below the maxExecuteNotebookContainersPerNode threshold and canProvisionExecuteNotebooks is true.

Values: true | false


Introduced at 11.2

Specifies whether the maxContainersPerNode threshold has been reached. If this property is false, the machine is not ready to accept new interactive notebook requests from a user who does not have a container provisioned. New interactive notebook requests on the machine will succeed once the number of interactive notebook containers on the machine is below the maxContainersPerNode value and canProvisionInteractiveNotebooks is true.

Values: true | false


Specifies the status of the machine.

Values: success | failure

JSON Response syntax

  "healthcheck": true|false,
  "canProvisionExecuteNotebooks": true|false,
  "canProvisionInteractiveNotebooks": true|false,
  "status": "success|failure"

JSON Response example

  "healthcheck": true,
  "canProvisionExecuteNotebooks": true,
  "canProvisionInteractiveNotebooks": true,
  "status": "success"