Available with Image Server
The Convert Feature to Raster tool converts features to a raster.
The output is a hosted imagery layer.
Usage notes
Convert Feature to Raster includes configurations for input features, analysis settings, and the result layer.
Input features
The Input features group includes the following parameter:
Input feature layer identifies the features to be converted to raster. This tool uses the cell center to determine the value of a raster pixel.
Analysis settings
The Analysis settings group includes the following parameters:
Value field is used to assign values to the output raster. It determines the type of output raster. If the field is integer, the output raster will be integer; if it is floating point, the output will be floating point.
Output cell size is the cell size of the output raster.
Result layer
The Result layer group includes the following parameters:
Output raster name is the name of the output raster layer that will be created.
The name must be unique. If a layer with the same name already exists in your organization, the tool will fail and you will be prompted to use a different name.
- Save in folder specifies the name of a folder in My Content where the result will be saved.
Analysis environment settings are additional parameters that affect a tool's results. You can access the tool's analysis environment settings from the Environment settings parameter group.
This tool honors the following analysis environments:
- Cell size
- Output coordinate system
- Processing extent
The default processing extent in Map Viewer is Full extent. This default is different from Map Viewer Classic in which Use current map extent is enabled by default.
- Snap raster
This tool includes the following outputs:
- One output raster of the rasterized features
Licensing requirements
This tool requires the following licensing and configurations:
- Creator or GIS Professional user type
- Publisher or Administrator role, or an equivalent custom role
- ArcGIS Image Server configured for raster analysis
Use the following resources to learn more:
- Convert Feature to Raster in ArcGIS REST API
- convert_feature_to_raster in ArcGIS API for Python
- Convert Feature To Raster in ArcGIS Enterprise
- Feature to Raster in ArcGIS Pro